My Journey Begins

My Journey Begins
At Mom & Dad's House

Friday, April 9, 2010

My First Growth Group Experience

Well, Thursday (last night) was my first Growth Group class at North Coast Church. It was pathetic and wonderful at the same time! How so you ask...? Well, out of the 10 people that signed up for this new group only 3 people were there. YUP...3! So, there was Steve (the Growth Group Leader), Gary (a good friend of Steve), and myself. Needless to say, it was something of a bust!

However, I could tell that God was working through these two men! When they found out that I had only been going to North Coast for a couple of weeks, they were horrified that the turnout was so low, and told me that this was not normal. Furthermore, they really tried to relieve my fears about being the only girl among 2 strange guys. They told me countless times that this is a place for all to feel safe, and that they were so sorry that more female participants didn't show up. They felt awkward, and because of their actions, I felt more comfortable around them!

They told me about the Singles Group meeting which takes place every 2nd Friday of the month, which happens to be today, and told me that I should really attend. I told them that I was not ready for a "Singles" type of atmosphere and that I really just wanted to meet some new Christian friends, and grow spritually. It was funny, because they were both adamant that it was NOT a "meat market"! They told me that it was a great way to meet new people, and feel safe in that environment. They really made me feel welcome, and told me that if I went, they would introduce me to some strong Christian women who I may be able to connect with! So, I decided that maybe I should go tonight (thanks to Steve and Gary).

I have really been praying that this Growth Group would really help me walk closer to God. I asked Him for that. I was also going to have "the Big talk" with James tonight, but I feel that God is leading me back to North Coast tonight. I really don't know what the right thing for me to do is (as far as talking with James). I only know that God is leading me back to church tonight. I keep hearing God repeating Matthew 6:25-34 in my head, "...Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have it's own worries" OK, God. Thank you for that reminder! I just need to keep my focus on today (and on HIM), and He will take care of the rest.

God is Good...he really is!

Monday, April 5, 2010

My First Steps

Welcome! Thanks for taking a moment to walk beside me in my journey. I don't know where this road will lead me. I only know that God has created this path for me to follow. It's up to me to stay on the road, or leap into the bushes to make my own way, defiant of His will.

This jouney has been a long time in the making, and at this moment in time, I have NO IDEA where this path will take me, there is only fog ahead. I only ask that you read my words with an open heart, and pray that God gives me the strength to stay on course.

I love you all. Thank you for your love and prayers,